Thursday, August 26, 2010


Deltiology is the study and collection of postcards. If I'm discussing deltiology, your correct in thinking that I have a collection of postcards on Cumberland Island. The collection is a small one, exactly seven. Another collection of mine that I started twenty five years ago is on Savannah Georgia.

I've plundered through many a shoebox stuffed with postcards in antique stores and flea markets. When you are on the hunt for antique postcards, nothing can beat the thrill when you cross upon one that you are passionate about.
Many categorized subjects are covered by the old postcards.  The specific subject that I collect is called View Postcards, which are street scenes, buildings and landscapes.

Unlike other countries, postcards printed in the U.S. in the early 1900's were printed with an undivided back. Writing was limited to the front with the design and the back for addresses. It was not until 1907 that the U.S. Government granted publishers the right to divide the back. Until then, many of the U.S. postcards were printed in Europe. After 1915, most of the postcards were printed with a white border.

Undivided Back
The postcard above was actually mailed
to a residence in my hometown.

If you are a deltiologist, the first thing you will notice when you start to form a collection is that the older postcards were used to send brief messages like the one above and below.   Its probably hard for people of my generation to imagine that the postal service actually delivered twice a day back then.  Without power lines and phones, this was the way to get a short message to family and friends.  In the morning, send Aunt Martha a card,  "Coming for supper tonight!"  That afternoon she'll send you a postcard back, "Not tonight!"

Divided Back

 Dungeness lower gardens

The Pool House


Plum Orchard

Half Moon Bluff
If you know the history of the island,
you'll figure out who the above sender was.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Frozen Moment in History

Most likely my favorite historic residential site is Longwood Plantation outside Natchez Mississippi.

What is so unique about the home is that The War Between The States marked the structure. Being that the basement area was finished while the five floors above were not.  

My longtime friend David called and invited me to go with him to Natchez Mississippi for their annual Spring Pilgrimage. My friends can tell ya I'm more of a home body, but with a little prodding, I can well be on my way.  Hummmmm, Longwood is at Natchez.

I'm at Longwood Plantation!

The journey began with a drive through the grounds.

We rounded a corner, approached a pond, and their she lay peeking through the moss hanging oaks before us in  full magnificence.

And what a house!

The mansion is known for its octagonal plan
 and sixteen-sided Moorish cupola.

Longwood was designed by a Philadelphian architect Samuel Sloan in 1859 for Dr. Haller Nutt and his wife Julia.  Being an owner of five plantations, construction immediately began and led into 1960 on their "town house". In 1861 construction was halted because of the war.

 The talented craftsmen
from the North
hurried home and left their tools in place.

Longwood is gorgeous from every angle.

The grandest octagonal house in America.

The bottom floor nine rooms in which the family lived in after the war, retains their original furnishings.
All the exterior brickwork was to be covered with stucco.

 Thirty-two rooms were planned for Longwood.  

Looking upward to the fifth floor cupola.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Three Books You Need To Read

Since my last visit to the island and my recent re-acquaintance with Lary Dilsaver's book, many of my doubts have been answered about the NPS and CUIS.  I recommend to anyone interested in the island to read the three books that I will list at the end of this post.

But first, I would like to share with you Bubbajunk bloggers a few articles on Cumberland Island.

Although you can count my visits to Cumberland Island on one hand, I have continuously collected throughout my life every bit of information about the island that came my way.  Below are three articles that I have from The Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine.

1. December 5, 1965

    2. March 9, 1969

3. January 18, 1970



Now For Your Three Books to Read

Cumberland Island: A History
 Written by: Mary R. Bullard

The best book ever written about the history of the island.  Very detailed and fascinating. The notes are even a book within themselves.

The next two books are on the history of the negotiations between the landowners on Cumberland Island
and the National Park Service.

You can view this book on-line.

Joe Graves, a descendant of the Carnegie family, writes a very interesting story about what the Carnegie's endured trying to help create the Cumberland Island National Seashore.